About the Artist

Hi, my name is Danielle.

Over the past seven years or so, art has become a vehicle for my personal healing and growth. Through my own creative process, I have been working on self-acceptance, unapologetic expression and recovery from the pressure to conform to mainstream society / to "fit in". I use art and design as a way to simply let go of the need to be perfect or try to be like everyone else. It hasn't always been easy, but I've been learning to just let creativity happen instead of trying to force it. It's more fun that way.

My main artistic focus is the digital hybrid - a blend of my digital paintings, original photographs, and snapshots of my physical mixed media paintings on canvas. The purpose of combining different snippets of works into one is to capture the fragmented, multifaceted nature of my brain while playing with various mediums in the same work. The outcome is highly stimulating, mood-boosting, and at the very least, thought-provoking.

My motto is: use what you’ve got right here and right now to create something fun and satisfying. 

We all have the right to be seen and heard whether that be through our voices, ideas and/or our creativity. We can be as loud and bright or as subdued as we feel in the moment. We're all a little happier when we allow ourselves to play a little more with color!